Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Phantom mask - how to make one?

I would love to make mask of the phantom of the opera for this halloween... the half faced one.. what are the tools i need and how do i make one? would be great if there is video on how to.


*think paper mache Phantom mask - how to make one?
Papier Mache? Easy. Go to an art store and get Plastelina -- two pounds. Yes you will need about two pounds. Get Plastilena Di Roma if you can. I believe Schoolcraft makes it. Then model the mask with it. And hurry. When it's done get and mix some Wallpaper paste. For this I use Golden Harvest Wheat Universal Wallpaper paste. I'd say mix about a quarter of it, a little thick. I use vasilene on my model, or else I use vasilene and make a plaster of paris cast of it, then wash that out with Dawn soap and water. The advantage of a negative mold like that is papier mache shrinks as it dries, so my masks (and puppet heads) always pull out.Mix up the wallpaper paste a little thick, as I said, then tear, don't cut, newspaper into strips (it does make a difference -- by cutting fibers you are likely leaving fibers together that won't mesh smoothly, whereas if you tear them they will guaranteed go down more smoothly). Let it soak up glue for a few minutes on each side, then rub off the excess. I said hurry. This is a little late in the year for papier mache. If you leave it in the bright sun it dries in about three to five hours. If you keep it indoors (and it's over 45 degrees, under 45 it will never drive) figure 36 to 48 hours. Might be faster but not that much. Cover it with a layer, let it dry, cover it with another layer. You want between 3 and six layers of paper on your mold before you take it out. Regardless, the first thing I would paint it with is acrylic gesso. After I use sandpaper on it. Then I would attack it with sandpaper again and apply another coat of gesso. Then maybe some white paint but it is already white at this point, and hard.

That's how you make a papier mache Phantom Mask.Phantom mask - how to make one?
just color your face silly sexy man

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